Getaway Rock Festival 2014

Getaway Rock Festival 2014 started with a downpour just as the previous year's festival.
First out in the rain was a psyched The Haunted with two returning band members vocalist Marco Aro and drummer Adrian Erlandsson, topped with newcomer guitarist Ola Englund. Gone are the band members who were trying to change thrashers The Haunted into a third-class post-metal band on their last three albums.

Expectations are soaring after hearing two amazing thrash songs from The Haunteds upcoming album "Exit Wounds". The rains falls and so does The Haunted, until they play "Trespass" from their magnum opus "haunted made me do it"

They serve us "All Against All", D.O.A. and "Hollow Ground" before they force-feed us with the sleeping pill "The Guilt Trip" why? We get a powerful "No Compromise" and a ballistic "Bury Your Dead" concludes the concert,

Steel Panther takes the main stage to a packed crowd consisting of more women than men. "Pussywhiped" starts the dirty, gritty high energy rock n´ roll party. The spandex-clad LA four-piece wowed the audience with great songs, explicit banter and excellent musicianship.

Steel Panther guitarist Satchel inform us that singer Michael Starr is 67 years old and tells a gentleman in the audience to stop flashing him his man boobs. During "17 Girls In A Row" a dozen swedish female fans takes the stage.

For the first time ever The Agonist hit the stage in Sweden with a blistering "Disconnect Me"from their upcoming album. The Agonist blend between melodic death metal and progressive death metal stunned the Swedish audience,

New singer Vicky Psarakis did a fantastic job and the band performed a super tight set and melted the audience faces with a killer version of "Thank You Pain". GRF did not do such a fantastic job with the artist schedule when they put The Agonist on at the same time as Arch Enemy were Alissa White-Gluz (ex The Agonist) is the singer. The Agonist and Arch Enemy appeals to the same audience

A new born Arch Enemy goes for the knock out and takes the crowd by storm. The new band members guitarist Nick Cordle and vocalist Alissa White-Gluz have brought new blood into Arch Enemy.

Arch Enemy is on fire and delivering a super heavy version of "My Apocalypse"

The new songs from Arch Enemys latest album "War Eternal" fits perfectly in the setlist
and "No Gods, No Masters" gets the whole audience jumping and a furious "Nemesis"
level the Getaway Rock Festival.
See Getaway Rock Festival 2012 and 2013: Here!
Footnote: all images with the name of the blog are taken by me under the influence in the audience with a bad camera.